Young person holding their hand over their face looking down

Understanding the Psychology of Addiction

To fully understand the psychology of addiction, you must identify how addiction is created.

An addiction is a habit that becomes profoundly entrenched and self-perpetuating over time. This habit rewires the circuitry of the brain as it is repeated over and over again. By repeating a highly pleasurable experience, the neurons become altered and adjust to become increasingly efficient at the new experience, causing a person to crave that habit. Over time, that habit becomes an addiction. 

Fortunately, there are ways to create new healthier habits that can reframe and replace the unwanted and harmful patterns of addiction. Still, we must first address the causes and risk factors behind the psychology of addiction.

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eyeglasses with notebook and crumpled paper

How to Move Beyond Languishing & Get Inspired Again

Have you been feeling like your creative process has stalled and the well is running dry? If you have found yourself feeling uninspired and unmotivated, know that you are not alone. Psychologists and therapists have been seeing a surge of clients experiencing this grey area of malaise. This phenomenon was discussed by organizational psychologist Adam Grant on TEDx and elsewhere in 2020 and 2021. Feeling stuck can happen to anyone, even when we’re doing what we love. When you add on isolation, a long-term and indefinite change in daily routines, and a potential loss of connection to your social network, the issue is exacerbated. Whether it’s an emotional or creative block, there are ways to move beyond languishing for better mental health and get inspired again. Let’s explore some of those ways together! 

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