Person sitting on the beach looking thoughtful

3 Everyday Tips for Managing OCD’s Intrusive Thoughts

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, commonly called “OCD,” is a mental health disorder that causes unwanted thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Over 2.5 million American adults are impacted by this disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The symptoms can range from mildly annoying to debilitating, depending on the person they are affecting. If you are struggling with, there are coping mechanisms for managing these symptoms. Here are 3 everyday tips for managing OCD’s intrusive thoughts.

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Two children standing on the beach holding hands

Childhood Trauma & Memory Loss

When you experience something so painful that you “block out” the memory itself and anything that reminds you of it, you may be experiencing memory loss trauma. This may lead you to hide important information from yourself by occluding larger swaths of information than you initially intended. 

If you are facing obstacles associated with memory loss, you may benefit from age regression hypnosis techniques that can help you see things in a new light. A therapist trained in age regression techniques may help you in the following ways.

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Therapy Helps With Goal Setting

How Therapy Helps With Goal Setting

Whether you’re setting resolutions for the new year, or simply facing an obstacle that could benefit from a different perspective, goal setting therapy may be something you could benefit from. 

No need to wait for life to become hectic to seek therapy– in fact, utilizing a therapist’s assistance in achieving your goals can prevent unnecessary chaos. Here are ways therapy can re-acquaint you with your personal goals:

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