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An open journal with the written text “thought catalog”

How does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Experts have referred to CBT as the gold standard of psychotherapy. CBT is a psychological intervention with proactive treatment. Essentially, cognitive behavioral therapy works by training practitioners to challenge negative thoughts with positive truths, Cognitive behavioral therapy methods revolve around forming habits to take ownership of feelings and beliefs through behaviors of positive reinforcement.
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Trauma Therapy

Support Your Trauma Therapy with Journaling & Prompts

Trauma journaling is a scientifically effective way to begin to address underlying issues that may be causing stress and anxiety in everyday life. Unlike keeping a regular diary, trauma journaling takes a more focussed approach and gives you the tools to begin to reflect and learn along your healing journey. Ultimately the work you do in your journal is a very personal experience, so you may consider trauma therapy journal prompts useful as a starting point, and you may find your approach evolves over time with practice.
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Image of a young woman surrounded by hands

Understanding Trauma – Informed Counseling and Therapy

Traumatic experiences can have long-lasting effects on a person’s mind and body, so counseling for trauma is essential. Since everyone reacts differently to trauma, the outcome can vary depending on the psychological and emotional impact of the event or events.

Trauma is an emotional response to a traumatic event. Initially, a person may experience shock or denial. As time goes on, the reactions can worsen into unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, and relationship problems.

A traumatic event can include any incident that causes physical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual harm. Gaining a sense of emotional and mental stability is the main goal in conquering the effects caused by the traumatic experience, but that takes time, depending on the cause of the trauma.
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A stressed man leaning against a wall with forehead on his fists

Understanding Acute Stress Disorder Criteria

The criteria for acute stress disorder (ASD) can include any stress reaction occurring in the initial month after exposure to a traumatic event. Acute stress disorder is an unpleasant reaction that starts shortly after an overwhelming traumatic event and usually lasts less than one month. If the symptoms persist longer than one month, it is then deemed to be more chronic, and the diagnosis changes to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 
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Stress Management Tips

5 Tips for Helping Teens Manage Stress

Teenhood can be an incredibly stressful and confusing time in a teen’s life.  Teen stress levels rise more and more every single year. Bullying, depression, peer pressure, social media, and academic pressures are just a few of the social issues that teens are faced with. Parents, guardians, and friends may wonder what they can do to guide teens in a safe and healthy direction. Finding the right kind of teen stress management can make a tremendous difference in the life of not only a teen but the entire household. 
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Featured Blogs

Person asleep in the middle of white daisies

How Therapy Helps with Sleep Anxiety

Sleep is a baseline need; without a good night’s sleep, our bodies cannot heal or effectively carry us throughout our day. …

Man laying on a couch talking to a therapist

Exploring CBT & Hypnosis Therapy for Boosting Neuroplasticity

Learn About Brain Rewiring & Neuroplasticity You might not know it, but your brain has the ability to grow and change. …

Young woman smiling while listening to music through earphones

Achieve a Calm Mindset with Exercises for Neuroplasticity

Have you ever heard of rewiring your brain? This is possible because of neuroplasticity, also called neural plasticity, or …