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Woman releasing Trauma from body by breathing

Breathe and Release Trauma From The Body

Sometimes in life, we experience events that are so devastating we can find it hard to breathe. Some of these events may be brief but still have long-term damage to our physical bodies and mind. These events are traumatic regardless of the duration and can leave a permanent scar that imprints itself on a person physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. But, there are ways to release imprinted scars naturally.

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Woman lying down in relaxed hypnotic state

How Hypnosis Works to Improve Daily Life

The term “hypnosis” comes from the ancient Greek word for “sleep,” which is “Hypnos.” Hypnosis creates a trance-like state that brings about a heightened state of focus and concentration. When integrated as hypnotherapy, this is performed by a trained therapist who uses mental imagery and verbal repetition to achieve the desired result. When a person is under hypnosis, they feel calm and relaxed, thus more open to suggestions. Read on to learn what goes on inside our minds during this process.

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Apple yes, chocolate no

Learn How to Change Your Eating Habits With Hypnosis, CBT & NLP

Unhealthy eating contributes to roughly 678,000 deaths each year in the United States alone. Over two-thirds (67.5%) of American adults are overweight. Lack of exercise and poor eating habits are to blame, but there are ways to change your eating habits for the better. But before we find out how, we need to ask the more important question, which is why we have unhealthy eating habits?

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Sign that says Possible and Impossible

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that combines analysis of thought process (cognitive) with behavior. The ultimate goal of CBT is to change negative patterns of thinking or behavior to allow for more positive emotions.

CBT helps to make sense of unbearable problems by breaking them down into smaller, easier-to-handle parts. These problems are broken down into five primary areas:

  1. Thoughts
  2. Emotions
  3. Feelings, including physical
  4. Situations
  5. Actions or behaviors

CBT sessions acknowledge that all five areas are all connected and affect one another. For example, your thoughts about a given situation can affect you emotionally and physically, which then leads to how you respond in your action or behavior.

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Featured Blogs

Person asleep in the middle of white daisies

How Therapy Helps with Sleep Anxiety

Sleep is a baseline need; without a good night’s sleep, our bodies cannot heal or effectively carry us throughout our day. …

Man laying on a couch talking to a therapist

Exploring CBT & Hypnosis Therapy for Boosting Neuroplasticity

Learn About Brain Rewiring & Neuroplasticity You might not know it, but your brain has the ability to grow and change. …

Young woman smiling while listening to music through earphones

Achieve a Calm Mindset with Exercises for Neuroplasticity

Have you ever heard of rewiring your brain? This is possible because of neuroplasticity, also called neural plasticity, or …