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How to Move Beyond Languishing & Get Inspired Again

Have you been feeling like your creative process has stalled and the well is running dry? If you have found yourself feeling uninspired and unmotivated, know that you are not alone. Psychologists and therapists have been seeing a surge of clients experiencing this grey area of malaise. This phenomenon was discussed by organizational psychologist Adam Grant on TEDx and elsewhere in 2020 and 2021. Feeling stuck can happen to anyone, even when we’re doing what we love. When you add on isolation, a long-term and indefinite change in daily routines, and a potential loss of connection to your social network, the issue is exacerbated. Whether it’s an emotional or creative block, there are ways to move beyond languishing for better mental health and get inspired again. Let’s explore some of those ways together! 

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An inflatable finish line arch that is outside

4 Tips to Get Inspired & Motivated for a New Year

In the winter months when the days are short, feeling uninspired is common. You can find yourself in a rut that may be hard to break. But, the New Year is also a perfect time to find new motivation to change old habits, get projects accomplished, and reach new goals. If you have the motivation for little things, like eating and going to work, then you can build that inspiration to help you get other things done. Here are some tips on getting motivated that are backed by science and psychologists. Motivation starts with a simple desire, and then builds momentum with intrinsic or extrinsic forces, such as rewards and gratification.
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Benefits Of Morning Routine

The Benefits of a Morning Routine

Are your mornings a little chaotic? Between rushing the kids to school, getting ready for work, or walking the dog before you leave, these AM hours can get neglected. However, the psychological benefits of routine are huge. From managing stress to lowering your blood pressure, here are some scientific benefits of a morning routine.
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Featured Blogs

Person asleep in the middle of white daisies

How Therapy Helps with Sleep Anxiety

Sleep is a baseline need; without a good night’s sleep, our bodies cannot heal or effectively carry us throughout our day. …

Man laying on a couch talking to a therapist

Exploring CBT & Hypnosis Therapy for Boosting Neuroplasticity

Learn About Brain Rewiring & Neuroplasticity You might not know it, but your brain has the ability to grow and change. …

Young woman smiling while listening to music through earphones

Achieve a Calm Mindset with Exercises for Neuroplasticity

Have you ever heard of rewiring your brain? This is possible because of neuroplasticity, also called neural plasticity, or …