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Effective Couples Counseling Techniques

5 Effective Couples Counseling Techniques

Do you find you and your partner saying the same things to each other over and over again, but nothing ever changes? It’s not too late. Couples therapy exercises for communication are an effective way for partners to learn how to be more understanding and respectful towards one another. In this blog post, we will explore 5 different couples therapy techniques that can help improve communication in any relationship.
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Coping Skills for Anxiety & Stress

5 Coping Skills for Anxiety & Stress

During uncertain times, we can take a number of different steps in order to reduce anxiety and stress. One of the best ways for dealing with difficult situations is not waiting until life throws us another curveball, but rather be ready to face the challenges when they do arise! Take a step today towards feeling better by learning about these 5 coping skills for anxiety that will help when faced with the unexpected.
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Image of a person on a couch during a therapy session

The Psychology of Coping Skills

The human brain is a powerful thing. It can control all of the body’s functions, store memories, and make decisions that will affect your life in more ways than you know. But how do you enhance these abilities further? One way is through coping skills, which enable you to effectively deal with uncontrollable situations. However, when the going gets tough, it’s easy to lose sight of what works best for us. In this article, we’ll explore what are some coping skills and the various strategies such as coping skills therapy you can use to live a more fulfilling life.
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EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy Explained: How It Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Do you want to achieve your goals but feel like something is holding you back? EMDR therapy may be the answer. This therapy can help people overcome the barriers they’ve been facing that have prevented them from achieving their desired outcome. The process involves remembering, processing, and releasing emotions around traumatic or stressful events in order to reduce their emotional impact on your life today. Read on to find out what EMDR therapy is and how it works.
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Reframing 10 Cognitive Distortions Using CBT

What Are Cognitive Distortions?

Think of a room full of mirrors, all with different levels of distorted surfaces that refract and reflect the light, and yourself, in warped ways. Some may be subtle, some may be exaggerated, and some reflections may, in fact, be the real you. The “fun house of mirrors” is a great way to think about what cognitive distortions are: distortions of how we react to internal and external stimuli.

When the mind plays tricks on us through false thinking patterns based on an irrational belief system, it is cognitive distortion. These thoughts are usually inaccurate and negatively biased.

Cognitive distortions are a habitual way of thinking, leading to negative feelings and behaviors such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, and addiction, but how did these unwanted distortions develop?
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Featured Blogs

Person asleep in the middle of white daisies

How Therapy Helps with Sleep Anxiety

Sleep is a baseline need; without a good night’s sleep, our bodies cannot heal or effectively carry us throughout our day. …

Man laying on a couch talking to a therapist

Exploring CBT & Hypnosis Therapy for Boosting Neuroplasticity

Learn About Brain Rewiring & Neuroplasticity You might not know it, but your brain has the ability to grow and change. …

Young woman smiling while listening to music through earphones

Achieve a Calm Mindset with Exercises for Neuroplasticity

Have you ever heard of rewiring your brain? This is possible because of neuroplasticity, also called neural plasticity, or …